KUBEKoin first & only Kryptokurrency, and only way to pay for the KUBE in 2022*. I know you’ll have many kwestions, so here’s a KUBEKoin FAQ:
(This is satire, don’t email me.)
How do I purchase KUBEKoin?
Every KUBEKoin kan be purchased for $10 USD via Venmo, Paypal or via last resorts of Cash App or actual cash or check delivered to a registered KUBE Kollektor. KUBEKoin is a “StableCoin” meaning that its value is tied to the USD. It’s always worth $10.
What does a KUBEKoin get me?
Every KUBEKoin is worth 1 entry into the KUBE Klassik. KUBEKoins must be used in the year that they are purchased.
Does it get me anything else, or are there any other uses?
No. $10 = 1 KUBEKoin. 1 KUBEKoin = 1 entry in the KUBE Klassik.
So it’s $10 to enter, just like it always is?
No, 1 KUBEKoin
But these are the same?
Well, when you put it that way…
And they are paid for in the same way, via Venmo, PayPal, Cash App, Cash or Check, making sure that I note when I’m buying KUBEKoins for other brackets, and carefully documenting who all of my payments are for?
Yes, especially that last part. Great kwestion.
Is the “blockchain” or anything involved in any way?
No Komment.
Is this a shameless (low effort) attempt to kash in on enthusiasm for a technology that konfuses & angers people with all levels of tech kompetence?
No Komment.
Are you prepared for people who read this email, are konfused, and email you with annoying kwestions, even though you said at the beginning that it was a joke?
I’m a little worried, but those people mostly email my dad.
Why is this post so long?
Yeah, that’s a good point. Thanks for reading.