Soooo….the kids are alright? Jon Becker runs one hell of a basketball pool. I remember when Don and I ran the KUBE we used quills and parchment to record peoples pics by hand and then Don would get on to the KUBE KOMPUTER and do Kalkulations:
It was thankless work and sometimes it took several months before we knew who was ahead in the first round. Results were normally posted around October but naturally by that time all the money was gone…expenses… what can you do?
But times have changes. I don’t understand if the stats update after each game or each round but it certainly is nice to know exactly where you stand. After the first round my brakket stood at 19th, 63rd,373th and 397th for an average of 213. That is….slightly out of the money but close. It has been a chalkcentric first round and while that is dissappointing to the masses it is nice to see that the NCAA Kommittee had some idea of what they were doing and HOW GREAT IS IT TO NOT HAVE TO LOOK AT JIM BOEHEIM THIS YEAR? (I hate old bald white men)… which brings us to Dan Kukla’s mean spirited hating on Bryce (“THE SHOT”) Drew! It is one thing that your kid hate’s Trump. That kid is a LOSER! Everybody says so. Some of the best people are saying so. If the Kukla kid had not voted so many times, Trump would have won Kalifornia! Additionally… the Kukla kids… all illegals. One of the “grandkids” lives in Texas…the other two in Kalifornia. Koincidence? I didn’t think so either. Anyway… you can hate the Donald (the Kukla children all had issues with their father so that makes sense) but you cannot hate on Bryce… and the smart kids from Vandy! So they lost the brain bowl this year… he is building a program in the SEC which is more than anyone can accuse the Missouri Tigers of doing.
Anyway, lots of chalks but the second round….today… this is what really separates the lucky from… well from me and likely from you. The first two days were east but I think we will see some Karnage today and tomorrow.
Tomorrow while watching the games I will reflect on the make up of this years Kompetitors. It is one of the saddest, most desperate groups of individuals ever gathered under one banner. For some of you I am happy that your mothers are not alive to see you in this type of company. For others of you, your mother brakket is ahead of yours and that creates a whole different set of problems.
In any case…. It is 2017 and a lot of us have been doing this particular stupid thing for a lot of years. God bless us each and every one and when UCLA wins it all… I will release my tax returns!